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Idaho Fish and Game

Upper Snake Regional Office to Move

By Gregg Losinski, Upper Snake Region Conservation Educator, Idaho Falls In tight fiscal times, customer service is often the first thing to be cut, but two state agencies have found a way to increase customer service while saving precious budget resources. On Monday, October 27 the Idaho Departments of Fish and Game (IDFG) and Parks and Recreation (IDPR) will be open for business in their new home together at 4279 Commerce Circle, located in the St. Leon Business Park in Idaho Falls. IDFG had been at its old location for almost half a century. The Bureau of Land Management had previously owned the building; it was then turned over to IDFG and shared with the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Over the years the ravages of time, along with "temporary" additions led to a structure that was not only crowded, leaky and drafty, but also unable to comply with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. According to Regional Supervisor Bob Saban, "No matter how we tried to correct deficiencies, the building still failed its last three annual safety inspections." After engineers evaluated the cost to renovate the existing structure it was determined that a new facility, especially one that was built using modern high-efficiency insulation, would actually be more cost efficient in the long run. The new structure was constructed using Ultra Form technology, so that it has an R-factor of 48. "Our monthly payment for the new office will be just about what we are paying to heat and cool the old office!" says Saban. The Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, to whom both agencies have entered into a rent-to-own agreement, now owns the building. Along with being highly energy efficient, the new facility will provide much-expanded public meeting and classroom facilities. The current meeting room at the existing office cannot even hold all the regional personnel at one time. Public meetings have been farmed out across the city, with some locations charging for use of facilities. The new building will provide a spacious and consistent home for public meetings. The new facility contains two large classrooms for hunter education and also has space for an indoor archery and air rifle range. Idaho Parks & Recreation will be leaving its leased location on 17th Street and moving into the new building along with IDFG. The new site will not only provide more office space, but will also allow the two departments to share the large public meeting rooms. Because both agencies often cater to the same publics, customers will be able to get more accomplished during a single visit. An official open house will be scheduled once the agencies have settled in, so that the public can become familiar with the new location and services available. An official ribbon cutting ceremony will take place on Friday, November 14th when the building's owners, the Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation will be meeting in the new facility. IDPR will be open for business at their existing location through close of business on Friday, October 24. Fish & Game will be closed on that day in order to move phone and computer systems to the new building. While their addresses will have changed, the phone numbers for both agencies will remain the same; IDFG is 525-7290 and IDPR is 525-7121.