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Idaho Fish and Game

Upland Seasons Approved

Idaho Fish and Game Department recommendations for this fall's upland game hunting seasons have been approved by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission at its meeting, May 17-19, in Coeur d'Alene. Those recommendations were taken to the public statewide in recent meetings at all regional offices. Hunters will see few changes from last year's hunting seasons. One exception is in Minidoka and Cassia counties where the pheasant season has been extended through December 31, matching the Southwest Region and western Magic Valley. Commissioners noted that the Pheasants Forever organization in those two counties had opposed extending the season but agreed that Director Steve Huffaker has the power to close the season if weather conditions become a concern to local hunters. The Commission also approved seasons for doves and sandhill cranes with no changes. Waterfowl rules will be set later in the summer following guidelines of flyway biologists and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Furbearer seasons, which will be included with upland game in the new brochure due soon, were also approved by the Commission. Those season changes include matching otter to beaver opening dates and making adjustments in beaver trapping to accommodate Forest Service transplants to boost populations in some areas of Idaho.