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Idaho Fish and Game

Upland Bird Surveys Start Soon

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) will conduct aerial surveys of chukar partridge populations along the Snake and Salmon rivers beginning in mid-August. Results of these surveys will provide information from which management decisions will be based for determining future hunting seasons. The helicopter flights are scheduled to cover the same area at the same time on an annual basis to make the information gathered comparable from year to year. The goal is to compare population trends, not to obtain exact numbers of birds. A helicopter flying low and slow over some of the most remote areas of the state is the most efficient tool for gathering this type of wildlife population information. Fish and Game will also survey upland game populations by conducting more than 20 roadside surveys, where biologists slowly drive a designated 20-mile route and count the number and species observed. These roadside surveys are also done at the same time annually to make the population trend information comparable from year to year.