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Idaho Fish and Game

Unit 32 Deer Season Closed

Attention hunters, the deer season in unit 32 closed on the 24th of October! There has been a lot of confusion on the deer season in unit 32 due to hunters misreading the regulations. They are reading the section that deals with a very small area on the south side of the unit that has an antlerless season and believe that it applies to the whole unit. This is incorrect. The antlerless segment is the agricultural area south of the North Side Canal and west of Montour. Hunters that want to hunt this area need to read the regulations for the exact area that is open. Hunters need to be familiar with maps of the areas so they can take written descriptions from the regulations to the map and thus know where they are. The majority of unit 32 is now closed to deer hunting and hunters that harvest an antlerless animal in the closed area are being cited.