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Idaho Fish and Game

Trophy Species Meetings Set in Nampa, McCall

Proposed statewide 2009-2010 moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat seasons will be the focus of two open houses hosted by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Fish and Game personnel will host open houses from 4 to 7 p.m., Thursday, December 18, at regional offices in McCall, at 555 Deinhard Lane, and Nampa, 3101 S. Powerline Road. In southwest Idaho, hunting seasons for these species will be very similar to the past two years. The only proposed change calls for adding two California bighorn sheep permits in hunt area 40. "Currently, hunt area 41-1 has two California bighorn sheep permits available and comprises a portion of unit 41 and all of unit 40," Fish and Game wildlife biologist Jake Powell said. "This new proposal would separate the units and allow for two additional sheep permits in unit 40." No changes are currently being proposed for moose or mountain goat seasons in southwest Idaho. Details on proposed changes statewide are available at: under Public Involvement. Or send comments by mail to: Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Idaho Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise ID 83707. The deadline for comments is December 19. All comments will be summarized and provided to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for their review before the January commission meeting in Boise. For information, contact Fish and Game's Nampa office at 208-465-8465 or McCall office at 208-634-8137.