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Idaho Fish and Game

Trapped Otter Must Be Reported

Trappers who take a river otter this season are reminded that they must present the entire skinned carcass and pelt to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game at the regional office in the region in which the animal was taken within 72 hours of harvest. Trappers can keep the pelt after a harvest report is completed and pelt tag is attached. Data from the carcass will be used in the Department's efforts to obtain approval for multi-year CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Treaty pelt tags in future seasons. The Clearwater Region otter harvest quota is 15. The season will close in each region 48-hours after the harvest quota is reached. Trappers will be allowed to keep otters within this 48-hour period provided their personal quota of two has not been reached. Any otters trapped and brought in 48 hours after the quota is met must be surrendered to the department for a $5 reward. A limit of two otters is allowed for any one trapper, provided the quota is not exceeded. Trappers unable to comply with the otter tagging requirements because of special circumstances must report their catch and make arrangements for tagging at the proper regional office. Otters not registered or presented to department personnel within 72 hours may be confiscated. Current otter harvest information may be obtained by calling any department office during normal business hours or by calling 1-800-323-4334, 24 hours a day. Season status by regions is also posted on the Fish and Game website at