Swan Poacher Suspects Identified, Charged
In a poaching case that captivated local residents, three Nampa juvenile suspects have been charged with a number of wildlife violations related to a poached trumpeter swan near the Boise River just west of Star in February.
The initial release of details about the case generated a number of phone calls to Idaho Fish and Game, all of which helped officers track down the suspects.
While four youths, all from Nampa, were suspected in the poaching incident, charges were filed against only three. Five citations and four warnings were issued in connection with nine violations.
The suspects will appear in court in Canyon County in the weeks ahead.
Citations included illegal take of a migratory bird, aid in the commission of a misdemeanor and hunting without a license. Warnings also were issued for illegal take of a migratory bird with an unlawful firearm, and three counts of using a motorized vehicle as an aid in hunting.
During the course of the investigation, officers also cited one of the suspects with possession of a nongame protected bird in connection with a poached great blue heron. A shotgun and a .22-caliber rifle were seized as evidence in the case.
"Citizen information played a key role in bringing this case to a successful conclusion," said Evin Oneale, Fish and Game regional conservation educator. "It was all good, from the general description of the vehicle to other tips that came in during the days following the poaching incident. We're very grateful to our citizenry for their assistance with this case."
At more than 20 pounds and with a wingspan of 8 feet, the trumpeter swan is the largest waterfowl in North America and the largest swan in the world. There is no hunting season on trumpeter swans in Idaho.