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Idaho Fish and Game

Supertag Deadline Draws Near

Hunters interested in Idaho Fish and Game's second Supertag drawing have until the end of July to buy their chance at one of the coveted tags good for any open deer, elk, antelope and moose hunt in the 2004 hunting season. Supertag sales at vendor sites will end on July 28, 2004 but will continue at Fish and Game state headquarters through July 30. The drawing will be held on August 16. There will be a total of 17 winners including a second "Superslam Pak" winner. Burt Dole of Mesa, Colorado, won the first Superslam last month, meaning he now holds tags for all four species. The first drawing raised more than $108,000 for Fish and Game's Access Yes! program which compensates willing landowners who provide access to private land or allow hunters and anglers to cross their land to get to public property. Hunters can pick up applications at any license vendor, by phone, or from the Fish and Game website: Applications can be mailed, but they must be received at headquarters by the close of business on July 30 in order to be eligible. The 17 second drawing winners will include:
  • Five deer
  • Five antelope
  • Five elk
  • One moose
  • One Superslam (one person wins tags for deer, elk, antelope and moose)