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Idaho Fish and Game

Successful or Not, Hunters and Anglers Must Stop

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds all hunters and anglers, successful or not, that they must stop at all check stations they encounter. Each year, many hunters and anglers fail to stop at check stations because they were not successful on that specific trip. Most see the signs, but think they do not apply to them and continue on the way home. However, failure to stop is breaking the law and a citation can be issued. Fish and Game operates two types of check stations. Biologists interview hunters and anglers at management check stations to determine harvest rates and distribution of hunters or anglers. Biological information is also collected to evaluate the age and physical condition of the harvested animals. Fish and Game workers may also take tissue samples as the department expands efforts to detect potential diseases. Impromptu enforcement check stations are usually conducted on less traveled roads and may be set up at any time of day or night. Here, conservation officers interview hunters and anglers to check for law compliance. Besides the collection of critical information, check stations provide an opportunity for exchange between the public and the department. This may include information on illegal activities, observations on habitat or road conditions, or suggestions for changes in management.