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Idaho Fish and Game

Stennett Donates Land For Sportsmens Access On Big Lost River

LESLIE - Some people accuse legislators of only liking to spend other people's money, but one central Idaho State Senator is a definite exception to that school of thought. On Wednesday, May 22, a formal dedication ceremony will be held on the approximately one acre parcel that Senator Clint Stennett of Ketchum donated to the Idaho Department of Fish & Game to serve as an access for local sportsmen. According to Senator Stennett, who has served in the State Legislature for the last twelve years, "I've always been a big supporter of public access throughout my public service and I love the Big Lost, so I wanted to guarantee that others could enjoy it as well." Stennett not only owns a television station in Sun Valley, Idaho, but also has a working ranch in the Big Lost River Valley. "This access will provide a perfect take-out point for those who float the river." Said Stennett. The property is already serviced by a county road and contains a few hundred feet of riverfront footage. According to Regional Habitat Manager Steve Schmidt, "We have already erected a sign to inform the public about the access site and plans are being developed for additional improvements to the site in the future." The access site is located on the Big Lost River, almost directly across from the small town of Leslie, Idaho. In addition to being an on the ground supporter of public access, Senator Stennett has worked to champion the cause in his service on the Senate Resources/Environment Committee and Agricultural Affairs Committee. Stennett has also served as the Senate Minority Leader for the last four years. He is running for re-election to the Senate this year in District 25, rather than District 21, of the newly restructured Idaho State Legislature. Anyone requiring further information on this access site or any access sites in the region can contact the IDFG Regional Office in Idaho Falls at 515-7290 or visit the IDFG website at and click on hunting and then access. A new publication about access entitled "Idaho, Sportsmens Access Guide" is also now available free of charge at regional IDFG offices.