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Idaho Fish and Game

Steelhead Season Opens

The statewide steelhead fishing season opens on September 1. It appears this year's run will be a bit smaller than those of recent years. Counts at Lower Granite Dam show 5,114 steelhead passed between June 1 and August 28, 2005. That compares to a 10-year average of 7,712 for the same period. It is worth noting the 10-year average was elevated by two enormous runs in 2001 and 2002. The 10-year average for the same period during the decade of 1991 to 2000 is 4,766 fish. So this year's run is actually a bit higher than the average run of the 90s. According to Clearwater Regional conservation officer Dave Cadwallader, anglers fishing the early season on the Clearwater River have not been catching many fish. However, he says the few fish being caught are in very good shape. "Fishing is slow, but the fish are very bright." Cadwallader said. All anglers fishing for steelhead must have a valid fishing license and a steelhead permit. Statewide limits for steelhead are three per day, nine in possession, and 20 for the season. Steelhead anglers must use barbless hooks, and can only keep steelhead with a clipped adipose fin. The season opens September 1 on the Salmon River, the Little Salmon River, and the Snake River downstream from Oxbow Dam. Anglers may fish for steelhead on the Clearwater River, but may not keep any steelhead upstream from the U.S. Highway 12 Memorial Bridge until October 15. For more information on steelhead fishing in Idaho, check the Fish and Game website