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Idaho Fish and Game

Spring Steelhead Limit Raised

Steelhead limits in the upcoming spring season have been increased by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission because of a record run. Washington and Oregon have also raised Snake River steelhead limits. Meeting in Boise November 28-30, the Commission boosted limits for the spring season that begins January 1 to allow anglers to take three per day, have nine in possession and--with the purchase of a second tag--take 40 for the season. Commissioners were informed that about 249,000 steelhead have crossed Lower Granite Dam as of November 27. The count for the same day last year was 109,000 while the 10-year average is only 84,600. The current forecast calls for a total of 265,000 compared to 115,000 in the last run. In this record run, 63 percent are hatchery A-run fish, 23 percent are wild A-run, 12 percent are hatchery B-run and two percent are wild Bs. Only hatchery steelhead may be caught and kept. Wild fish, those with the adipose fin intact, must be released unharmed immediately.