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Idaho Fish and Game

Spring Chinook Fisheries Continue

Anglers hoping to catch spring Chinook salmon on the Little Salmon River, the South Fork Clearwater River and the Lochsa River will be able to continue fishing. Fisheries managers with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game say recreational anglers have not yet harvested the state's share of the harvestable salmon on those rivers. Fishing for Chinook on the Little Salmon River, the South Fork Clearwater River, and the Lochsa River is limited to Friday through Monday. "We will be able to stay open for the entire four days", Anadromous Fisheries Coordinator Bill Horton said. Meanwhile anglers can fish for summer Chinook on the South Fork Salmon River seven days per week until the state's share of harvestable fish is caught there. The South Fork Salmon River opened to fishing on Friday June 17. As of Monday June 20 no anglers had reported catching a Chinook on the South Fork Salmon. As of Tuesday morning (June 21) only two summer Chinook had been trapped at the South Fork weir. Once fishing picks up on the South Fork Salmon River, the season is likely to be a short one. The state's share of harvestable summer Chinook is expected to be much lower this year. The amount of mortality allowed under the Endangered Species Act among naturally produced chinook due to incidental take is also expected to be very low this year. Incidental take accounts for salmon expected to die after anglers catch and release them. Anglers targeting Chinook salmon must have a valid Idaho fishing license and a salmon permit. Barbless hooks are required, and anglers must immediately release all fish that do not have a clipped adipose fin. Any angler who keeps a salmon must quit fishing for that day, and any angler who has three fish in possession must also quit fishing. Any angler who has recorded ten fish on a 2005 salmon permit must quit fishing for salmon for the season. Other rules for spring and summer Chinook fishing are available at