Shikar-Safari Recognizes American Falls Officer
Southeast Region conservation officer Brandon Chamberlin was recently awarded the 2013 Idaho Wildlife Officer of the Year by Shikar-Safari Club International.
Shikar-Safari International is a worldwide organization of hunters that supports a wide range of conservation causes with emphasis on wildlife law enforcement. The organization recognizes outstanding law enforcement officers in the United States and around the world.
"Brandon's tenacity, investigation skills and innovative approaches in detecting and apprehending wildlife violators have made him a great asset not only to the Southeast region but to the entire state as well," said Idaho Fish and Game Enforcement Chief Jon Heggen.
"Brandon understands the importance of continued development and improvement of intelligence gathering, covert operations and officer safety training. He has graciously accepted additional responsibilities in all of these areas. Although he regularly leads the region in licenses checked and violations detected, Brandon issues many warnings to unintentional violators as he understands the importance of education in the overall goal of protecting Idaho's wildlife."
Chamberlin was also recognized for his landowner and sportsmen relations, contributions to wildlife and fishery management and his leadership involving youth hunting and fishing educational activities.
Chamberlin has worked as senior conservation officer for Idaho Fish and Game since 2005, beginning his career in Soda Springs. He is currently based in American Falls.