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Idaho Fish and Game

Salmon Season in Upper Clearwater?

Contact: Bill Horton (208) 334-3791 The Idaho County Commission has approved a resolution petitioning the Fish and Game Department and Commission to open a season on spring chinook salmon in the Middle Fork of the Clearwater River. To date, the department has not recommended a season in this area because not enough salmon are predicted to return to Kooskia National Fish Hatchery. Having a season there depends on getting enough adult salmon to fulfill the needs of the hatchery program, and enough of a surplus above that for a season. At the April 3 commission meeting, staff told the commission that the Department was working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who operates the hatchery, to open the adult trap as early as possible. If it appears that enough adults could be trapped to sustain the program for future fisheries, staff would then recommend a season. The Commission has the flexibility to approve a salmon season while the run is in progress. The newest information will be available for the Fish and Game Commission meeting April 24. Bill Horton, Anadromous Fisheries Coordinator, will be available to answer questions about the status of the run and the salmon seasons at the public hearing to be held Wednesday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Lion Motel in Lewiston. Public input on that or any other Fish and Game topic is welcome at that meeting. The Fish and Game Commission will meet April 24 at the same location. Anadromous fisheries manager Sharon Kiefer will present an update on the salmon run during Thursday's meeting and staff will discuss any new season proposals with the commission. Through April 20, just over 96,000 spring chinook had crossed Bonneville Dam and almost 11,000 had crossed Lower Granite Dam. As previously reported, the run continues to be mostly larger adults that have spent three years in the ocean. Persons with disabilities who need access information or other services or facilities for the public meeting or the commission meeting should contact the Clearwater Region Fish and Game office at 799-5010.