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Idaho Fish and Game

Salmon Season to Close in Main, South Fork Salmon River

Members of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission today concurred with director Steve Huffaker's decision to close the chinook salmon seasons in the Main Salmon River and its South Fork at the end of fishing hours on Saturday, July 3. The salmon seasons remain open on the Little Salmon River, the Lochsa River, the South Fork of the Clearwater River and on the Snake River from the Dug Bar boat ramp, upstream to the Hells Canyon Dam. After discussions with staff and commissioners, Huffaker decided to use the director's discretionary powers to declare a conservation emergency and close the salmon fisheries in the Main Salmon River and the South Fork of the Salmon River. "The biological reason for the closure is that staff projects by July 3, we will have taken the allowable number of listed summer Chinook. The announcement is being made now because we know this will disrupt plans for a large number of salmon anglers, and we want to give as much notice as possible," said Huffaker. "I know many people and communities will be unhappy, but it is essential the department take its conservation responsibilities seriously." Salmon harvest figures: - Main Salmon River through June 25 - 2,954 adult Chinook salmon - South Fork of Salmon through June 30 - 1,223 adult Chinook salmon - Total harvest statewide to date - 12,078 adult Chinook salmon So far, anglers have spent 263,357 hours fishing for salmon this year in Idaho.