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Idaho Fish and Game

Remember Harvest Report

With the start of big game seasons, hunters are reminded that they are required to file harvest reports. All deer, elk, and antelope hunters are issued a harvest report form with each tag purchased. Hunters must submit the completed form within 10 days after taking an animal of any of these species, or within 10 days of the end of the season for which their tag was valid. The report this year is required of both successful and unsuccessful hunters for deer, elk, and antelope. Anyone who bought one of these tags must report, even if they did not hunt. In addition, Panhandle Zone elk hunters successful in harvesting an elk must complete the mandatory check process that has been in place in the panhandle since 1982. Page 29 in the Big Game Seasons brochure instructs successful Panhandle Zone elk hunters how to present the antlers (if present) and the front portion of the lower jaw to an authorized checkpoint; Fish and Game check station, Conservation Officer or Fish and Game office. By closely scrutinizing the big game harvest and analyzing such things as the total harvest, the ratio of male/female and the age structure of animals that hunters check in, biologist are able to estimate how the populations are responding. Adjustments in season structure and length can be made depending on the estimated trends and desired levels. Successful hunters who fail to report are not only in violation of Idaho law, they also jeopardize the abilities of wildlife managers to monitor local game populations. The goal of local managers is to provide as much elk hunting opportunity as possible. Good information is critical to achieving that goal.