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Idaho Fish and Game

Public Invited To Workshop To Help Set Future Course Of IDFG

IDAHO FALLS - When it comes to fish & wildlife management in Idaho, it is safe to say that just about everyone has an opinion on how they would like to see things run. On March 22, participants at a Strategic Plan Goal Setting Workshop will have the opportunity to let their voices be heard concerning the course IDFG will be following in the future regarding 11 different topics. According to IDFG Director Steve Huffaker, The Fish & Game Commission wants to know what Idahoans think are the most important things the Department should accomplish in the next 15 years. To this end, the Department is holding a series of workshops across the state to sound out citizens. These workshops are the culmination of a process started a year ago that has already surveyed over 7,700 citizens and held 35 focus groups involving over 400 people. The purpose of these focus groups and surveys was to help identify the major issues facing Idahos fish, wildlife, and sportsmen. Input was condensed to create 11 different topic areas:
  • Fish & game for fishing and hunting
  • Communication with the public
  • Fish & wildlife habitat
  • Diverse fish & wildlife based recreation
  • Public support for fish & wildlife-based recreation
  • Threatened and endangered, species at risk, nongame
  • Access for fish & wildlife-based recreation
  • Funding
  • Collaboration
  • Involving IDFG stakeholders
  • Fish & wildlife disease
Invitations have already been mailed to individuals found on existing IDFG mailing lists, but the general public is likewise invited to attend. Because of staffing and supply concerns, those wishing to participate need to contact the regional office at 525-7290 by Monday, March 17.