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Idaho Fish and Game

Public Comment Sought For 2004-2005 Upland Game Seasons

LEWISTON - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will host an open house meeting to collect public comments on proposed recommendations to the 2004-2005 upland game, furbearer and falconry season regulations on Monday, April 12 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Clearwater Region office located at 1540 Warner Avenue in Lewiston. Several proposals have statewide implications, while others are specific to certain areas. Proposed recommendations for the Clearwater Region include: á Change the opening date for quail, chukar and gray partridge seasons to the fourth 4th) Saturday in September and extend their seasons closure date to January 31. á Hunting of upland game in the current Manns Lake waterfowl closure will be prohibited. á Change definition of bait and current methods of take for trapping purposes. No changes are proposed for falconry, crow, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare or hunting of furbearers. Fish and Game biologists will be present during the open house to answer questions about the proposed regulations. All comments will be forwarded to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for consideration prior to setting the regulations. Persons unable to attend the open house can view all proposal and respond by visiting the "What's News" section of the Department website at