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Idaho Fish and Game

Pronghorn Antelope Workshop Planned

The 22nd Biennial Pronghorn Workshop will be May 16-19 in Idaho Falls, hosted by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, sanctioned by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The theme for the 2006 workshop is: "Habitat?Can We Quantify the Link to Populations?" The 2006 Pronghorn Workshop will provide a forum for researchers, managers, academicians, and other pronghorn enthusiasts from across western North America to exchange recent advances in research and management. The workshop will also promote communication and cooperation between agencies, organizations and individuals. The workshop will be at the Shilo Inn in Idaho Falls. Rooms can be reserved by calling (208) 523-0088 or 1(800) 222-2244 and mentioning the Pronghorn Workshop. Room rates are $60-$70 for singles and $70-$80 for double occupancy. Rooms need to be booked by April 25 to guarantee the rate and room. The tentative agenda is: Tuesday, May 16: Evening registration and social. Wednesday, May 17: Registration, opening comments, and technical session. Thursday, May 18: Technical session, noon business meeting, and evening banquet keynote speaker Dr. Valerius Geist. Friday, May 19: Field tour of Island Park, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Idaho Falls is served by a regional airport and is within easy reach of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Salt Lake City, three hours away by car, provides the nearest international airport. For more information or how to become a sponsor, contact : Brad Compton ( or Dr. Dale Toweill (, co-chairs, 22nd Pronghorn Workshop, Idaho Fish and Game, PO Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707. Brad and Dale can also be reached by phone at (208) 334-2920.