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Idaho Fish and Game

Project WILD is Coming to Salmon

Teachers in the Salmon region will want to take advantage of the upcoming Project WILD workshop to be offered July 27 - 28 at the Fish and Game office in Salmon. The course will be offered for one university credit that can be applied toward continuing education requirements for Idaho's teachers. Project WILD is an award-winning nationally known education curriculum that teaches students about wildlife through interdisciplinary hands-on activities. All the material is science-based, providing teachers and students with the most up-to-date information about wildlife. In addition, the activities can be used for any grade level. Here in Idaho, all Project WILD activities have been correlated to the state standards making it easy for teachers to implement activities that will help their students meet the educational standards set by the state. Project WILD workshops are active workshops where teachers will get a chance to try out a variety of the over 150 activities contained in the activity guides. Besides receiving these guides, workshop participants will also receive posters, videos, and other educational materials to take back to the classroom. If you would like to spend a few days getting WILD, please contact Vicky Runnoe at the Salmon Region Fish and Game Office at 756-2271. This just might be the most fun summer class you will ever take!