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Idaho Fish and Game

Please Report Wolf Sightings

Idaho Department of Fish and Game, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Nez Perce Tribe, is asking hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts to please report wolf sightings. In particular the agencies are interested in documenting pack activity, but also all wolf sightings, howling, and multiple tracks should be reported. Reports by outdoors people have helped the agencies document new packs in several areas across Idaho. Not all packs have radio-collared animals and new packs are being initiated in new and previously unoccupied habitat. Getting reports on these packs will allow the agencies to get collars on some of them and track activity. Observers should identify themselves and their phone number, note the date, the number of wolves, the color of the animals, the exact location, and if a radio collar was seen. This information can be mailed or called in to any Fish and Game office or can be directly entered on a wolf observation report form found on Fish and Game's website at:… The agencies would like to remind everyone that citizen involvement through reporting observations will help current and ongoing monitoring and management of wolves in Idaho and help reduce conflicts raised from unknown or unreported wolf activity.