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Idaho Fish and Game

Plan for Fish and Game's Next 15 Years Goes to Public

A plan to guide Idaho Fish and Game through its next 15 years is ready for its final public review and comment. A broad slice of Idaho's citizenry helped guide Fish and Game strategic planning efforts, now written into a document called The Compass. The Compass is the product of three years of work involving hundreds of Idaho citizens, including 35 focus groups,seven strategic planning workshops, and a survey of the opinions of more than 3,000 Idahoans. The Compass identifies the major issues facing the department over the next 15 years and proposes ways to address them. The plan outlines what the department will do, and how Fish and Game will do it. It also describes how the plan will be used and modified as circumstances and priorities change. Fish and Game Director, Steve Huffaker encourages public review of The Compass. "Often I hear the comment Fish and Game doesn't listen'. This plan has and will continue to be an important forum for Idahoans to help direct the Department. I hope they will take advantage of the opportunity," Huffaker said. The strategic plan is available at Fish and Game offices and on the Internet at on the home page under Featured Pages and click on Draft Strategic Plan. Mail your comments to Michele Beucler, Idaho Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707. You may also send in your comments through our website at the Internet address above. The comment period will extend through May. You may call Gregg Servheen (208-287-2713) or Michele Beucler (208-287-2717) if you have questions about The Compass. The Department and the Fish and Game Commission carried through the planning process for several reasons: to align department programs and actions with the values, needs and expectations of Idaho citizens; to communicate clearly what the department will attempt to accomplish in the next 15 years; to enable the department to respond to anticipated changes in the physical, biological, and social environment and to initiate a way of doing business that involves stakeholders in establishing goals, measures performance, and adjusts programs to achieve desired outcomes.