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Idaho Fish and Game

Parkcenter Fishing Trailer Event Cancelled

Idaho Fish and Game's April 14 fishing trailer event at Boise's Parkcenter Pond in Boise has been cancelled. Another user group has reserved the park and pond for the weekend, with activities incompatible with a fishing event. "That's the bad news," Fish and Game regional conservation educator Evin Oneale said. "The good news is, we have more than 40 fishing trailer events coming up in the weeks ahead, so everyone should be able to find an event to fit their schedule." To learn more about the trailer, contact the Fish and Game Nampa office at 465-8465. More information regarding the fishing trailer is now available on Fish and Game's website at: "The idea is to bring fishing equipment and fishing expertise to what we call our Ôbicycle fisheries' - local, neighborhood ponds," Oneale said. "All kids and their parents have to do is show up; we'll get them geared up and on the water." "We hope our efforts will get kids excited about fishing and help build a new generation of anglers," he said. A fishing license is not needed by any participant that registers at the trailer for the duration of the event, regardless of age or residency. "Everyone is welcome at these events, but we want to make a point of inviting kids and their parents who have an interest in fishing but lack the equipment and perhaps the knowledge to get started," Oneale said. "The only cost is a bit of time, and the idea is to help people gain enough fishing experience and confidence to strike out on their own and enjoy fishing as a fun, family activity."