Officers Find More Wildlife Violations in Bingham County
Idaho Fish and Game is seeking information about the killing of a mule deer in Big Game Management Unit 63 sometime between January 10 and 17.
The animal's carcass was discovered west of Blackfoot, Idaho, near 1000 West and north of Highway 26.
Officials assume the animal was a buck since the head was taken from the body. All of the meat was also removed.
Taking a deer during a closed season is a flagrant violation and the perpetrator could incur fines, face jail time, and lose privileges to hunt for a lifetime. Furthermore, if the buck was classified as a "trophy", measuring over 150 points for Boone & Crockett, the act would carry a $2,000 civil penalty.
Fish and Game is also investigating an incident in Bingham County. Four Canada geese were removed from a trash can at Jensen's Grove in Blackfoot on January 20. The reporting party informed the investigating officer that the geese had been there for some time.
Total penalties associated with this crime include a civil penalty of $50 per bird plus fines, court costs, and possible loss of hunting license for three years.
If anyone has any information regarding these wildlife violations, please contact Tom Burkhart, senior conservation officer with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, at 251 - 4507.
To provide information anonymously, contact the Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) hotline at 1-800-632-5999. Rewards are available through CAP for information that leads to an arrest.