Four new wild turkey Landowner Permission hunts (LPH) are now on the books and slated to begin December 1 in areas with chronic turkey depredations. The hunts will give landowners, hunters and Fish and Game staff another tool to deal more effectively with private property damage caused by wild turkeys.
Approved by the Fish and Game Commission in August, these four new hunts are designed to alleviate depredation issues and increase social tolerance for wild turkey populations on private land.
Landowners owning more than 79 acres of property within a hunt boundary are eligible to enroll in the program. A form(s) issued by Fish and Game will allow the landowner to designate the person receiving the hunt opportunity. That person must then bring the completed form to a Fish and Game office and exchange it for the appropriate controlled hunt permit.
The Four Hunts
Two new private-land-only fall hunts for hens only have been created in game management units 22, 31 and 32. Up to 50 permits may be issued for each hunt. The first hunt season runs from December 1 through December 31, while the second runs from January 1 through February 14.
Two additional private-land-only fall hunts for hens only have been created in game management unit 38. Up to 50 permits may be issued for each hunt. The first hunt season runs from September 1 through December 31, while the second runs from January 1 through March 30.
Learn more about the boundaries for these four hunts by visiting the Fish and Game Hunt Planner at:
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