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Idaho Fish and Game

New Service Available on Fish and Game Web Site

Readers of the Idaho Fish and Game web site will notice a new icon on the site's main pages that will allow them to be alerted when items of interest are updated. The new feature will replace a service that has been offered for the last several years. Readers who signed up were emailed with news and updates. Now, they can sign up to be alerted to updates on subjects they pick. This service will allow subscribers to receive updates from a list of items available on the web site. To sign up, they can either browse to see the items available or go directly to "Fish and Game Email Updates" and provide their email address to view the complete listing of available items. Any problems with signup can be resolved by emailing Fish and Game communications chief Roger Fuhrman said the service is one of a number of new features on the department's web site that are intended to make the site better. The department has made "a major commitment to its web site to try to meet demand for more information delivered faster," Fuhrman said. "With this technology, we can make much more information available, essentially instantly."