Enforcement staff with the Fish and Game, Magic Valley Region have selected a new K-9 officer to join their ranks. Riley, a two-year-old chocolate lab, was recently selected to join three other Department K-9’s across the state. His specialized training will be occurring over the coming months, led by his handler, Senior Conservation Officer Jim Stirling.
Fish and Game K-9 officers are highly trained to detect wildlife, conduct evidence searches and tracking skills for search and rescue efforts.
The dogs also bring a tremendous amount of positive public relations to the Department since they are expected to have a good temperament when interacting with members of the public.
“The Department’s goal is to eventually have a K-9 officer in every region,” according to Stirling, “the dogs have shown themselves to be a very effective enforcement tool, which makes our jobs of detecting wildlife violations more efficient.”
The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Foundation has been a key partner is the development of the Department’s K-9 program by funding equipment used by both the dogs and their handlers.
For more information about the Department’s K-9 program contact your local Fish and Game office.