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Idaho Fish and Game

New F&G Website Online

Here's a new address for the desktop favorites list: A new and improved Idaho Fish and Game Internet site was made available to the public April 15 with easier navigation and new features. The old address will continue to work for the next several months, redirecting users to the new site. Visitors will notice upgraded graphics immediately. The construction of the new site allows Fish and Game's Communications Bureau to keep photos and text information fresher. Multiple ways to find information are intended to make the site much more convenient than the old one was. The site contains full copies of rules brochures, news releases, program and research information. Most major department activities are reflected on the site. Users will be able to find out whether or not they drew in controlled hunts, file big game harvest reports online and purchase items including licenses. The application for the new Access Yes! lottery tags is an example of seasonal items made more convenient with Internet technology.