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Idaho Fish and Game

Mourning Dove Deaths in the Treasure Valley

A number of Treasure Valley mourning doves have been found dead in recent weeks, most around bird feeders. "We've had a number of calls during the last month from folks reporting dead or dying doves in their neighborhoods," Fish and Game wildlife veterinarian Dr. Mark Drew noted. "All the cases have been associated with summer feeding operations, where the birds are artificially concentrated." The birds are dying from trichomoniasis, a parasitic disease which causes sores in the mouth and throat. It eventually prevents the birds from swallowing, leading to death from starvation. Found naturally in pigeons and doves, trichomoniasis poses no health risk to humans, but can be fatal to songbirds, specifically doves. Transmission of the infection is from bird to bird. Where birds are artificially concentrated, such as with a bird feeding operation, transmission can be accelerated. Diseased birds regurgitate contaminated food in the feeding area leading to a spread of the infection to other birds that inadvertently consume contaminated food. "The young of the year are particularly susceptible to the disease," Drew said. "Their immune systems aren't able to cope well with the parasite, and they often develop large lesions." For more information regarding trichomoniasis, contact Fish and Game's Nampa office at 465-8465.