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Idaho Fish and Game

Mountain Lion Season Closed in Units 43, 44, 48 and 49

A third female mountain lion has been taken from the combined area of game management units 43 (North Soldier), 44 (South Soldier), 48 (Big Wood) and 49 (Little Wood) effectively closing the harvest season for all cougars in those four units on Monday, February 11, 2002. In accordance with regulations, a dog training season is to remain open through March 31. During this period, cougar may be pursued but not harvested under any circumstance. In order to find out if other units in the state are open or closed for the taking of mountain lion, call 1-800-323-4334. There is also a webpage for the status of lion harvest statewide. Go into "Hunting/Programs & Info/Mountain Lion" from the Fish and Game website at