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Idaho Fish and Game

Mountain Lion Open House Meetings Scheduled

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is currently revisiting its mountain lion management philosophy, and has scheduled three open house meetings to collect public comment on management options in the draft mountain lion plan. The meetings will be held from 6 to 8 P.M. at the following locations: Lewiston Thursday, January 3 IDFG Office, 1540 Warner Ave Grangeville Friday, January 4 Senior Center, County Road Moscow Monday, January 7 Fair Exhibit Building, 1021 Harold Fish and Game biologists will be available to discuss the management options currently under consideration which include:
  • Manage mountain lions to maintain their current distribution throughout the state and maintain or increase numbers.
  • Manage mountain lions at a range of densities throughout the state, from no lions where their presence is considered undesirable, to moderate densities in many units, and higher densities in remote areas.
  • Increase opportunities to harvest mountain lions with the intention of maintaining mountain lion populations only in remote, core areas
IDFG would like to determine which option is preferred or if other options should be considered. All comments will be compiled and given to the commission for consideration at their January meeting. Those unable to attend a meeting, information packets and comment forms are available at the Clearwater Region office in Lewiston. Written comments can be mailed to Mountain Lion Comment, IDFG, Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707. Information is also available and comments can be submitted online at….