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Idaho Fish and Game

Motorists Cautioned About Elk on Highway 26 Near Ririe

Idaho Fish and Game is working to make the public aware of a herd of 200 to 300 elk that have left the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area east of Idaho Falls and moved into fields adjacent to State Highway 26 near Ririe. "The elk are in very good condition, not looking for forage, and the main reason that they are moving is because light snow conditions allow them to get around easily," Regional Conservation Educator Gregg Losinski said. "The closeness of the elk to the highway is our main concern, but Fish and Game is also trying to prevent the animals from getting into haystacks and possibly drawing more elk away from the herd wintering at Tex Creek WMA." Each winter about 3,000 elk winter at the Tex Creek WMA. In January 2008, a similar number of elk moved into this same area, causing similar concerns. While the elk do not need permission to move about the landscape, Fish and Game personnel do, and so far efforts to collect permission from all the required landowners has been unsuccessful. If permission were granted, Fish and Game might use bait and snow machines to move the wayward elk back towards Tex Creek WMA. A similar operation succeeded in 2008. The Idaho Transportation Department has assisted in efforts to reduce potential vehicle collisions with elk by placing two large mobile warning signs in the area where most of the elk are concentrated. Motorists are urged to take caution, especially during the nighttime, to avoid hitting animals that may be crossing the highway. FIsh and Game will continue to monitor the animals' movements and take what actions it can legally to prevent conflicts between elk and humans.