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Idaho Fish and Game


Mosquito Flats receives trout for winter anglers


Winter does not mean the end of fishing, as many anglers look forward to catching fish through a hole in the ice.

In late October, Idaho Fish and Game stocked over 1,100 rainbow trout into Mosquito Flats Reservoir near Challis to enhance ice fishing opportunities, as well as provide great fishing next spring.


Fish and Game Fisheries Biologist Kayden Estep measures a rainbow trout before releasing it into Mosquito Flat Reservoir.

Known more as a warm weather destination, Mosquito Flats can be accessed by snowmobile or track machine during the winter. While access may be challenging, the 49-acre reservoir offers anglers solitude, as well as trout and kokanee. For a map, fishing rules and more information, visit Fish and Game’s Fish Planner

While it is too early to venture out on the ice, anglers are advised to always use caution. A minimum of 4 inches of ice is generally considered safe to support a person, and thicker ice is needed for groups. For general safety guidelines and more, click here.