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Idaho Fish and Game


Mentored youth pheasant hunt in the Magic Valley brings out youthful smiles


Youth from the Magic Valley enjoyed a day of mentored hunting at the Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area

Youth who recently graduated from hunter education classes across the Magic Valley were invited to enjoy a day of pheasant hunting at the Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area on Saturday, October 2, 2021.

Each year, youth across the state can hunt pheasants in early October, a few weeks before the regular season opener. In the Magic Valley Region, a youth pheasant hunt is organized by Fish and Game to coincide with the youth pheasant season.

Pheasants are stocked throughout the pheasant season at three locations within the Magic Valley Region, including the Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area south of Wendell where the youth hunt was held.


Prior to the hunt, youth have the opportunity to hone their shooting skills by hands-on practice, shooting clay pigeons under the guidance of certified shooting instructors.


Volunteer mentors are a critical piece of the learning environment when getting young hunters ready to go into the field to pursue upland birds, like ring-necked pheasants.


High Desert Pointing Dog Club was a welcomed partner during the youth pheasant hunt, and their dogs were just as excited to get in a day of hunting.


Hunting success can be measured in both birds and smiles.


Even brightly-colored shotguns can be very effective when hunting pheasants.


Pheasant hunting is a great way for families to get outside together and enjoy the opportunity to take home a pheasant for dinner.


This year, Fish and Game was excited to partner with Called Beyond, a local non-profit who work to provide outdoor experiences to children and their families who are impacted by disability, special needs or various obstacles. These kids’ smiles were infectious!


First bird and proud of it!