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Idaho Fish and Game


The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has scheduled another meeting to brief the public about the Lake Pend Oreille fishery and to accept comments from anglers on management plans for the coming year. The public meeting will be held on Sept. 15 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 South First Ave. IDFG Regional Fisheries Manager Ned Horner will open the meeting by covering some of the data that has been recently collected to aid in the management of this important fishery. The meeting agenda will include an explanation of the trap net program and the suspension of the program until the fall of 2005. Horner will present creel census results from the 2004 spring derby, and results of the commercial rod and reel lake trout fishery. Laboratory work to determine the lake of origin for lake trout will be discussed, as will population models, and figures on the percentage of anglers fishing for lake trout. Horner hopes to also have results from a lake trout contaminant analysis by the date of the meeting. IDFG is looking at contracting with the University of Idaho to do an independent survey to better define angler preferences for Lake Pend Oreille. The survey approach will also be discussed at the meeting. Many anglers believe angler harvest can be used to control lake trout numbers. Tag return data so far does not suggest this is the case; however, there may be ways to increase harvest through angler incentive programs. Anglers will be asked for their opinions about potential ways for anglers to help effectively manage lake trout. Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting Ned Horner at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game directly at (208) 769-1414, or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-3529 (TDD).