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Idaho Fish and Game

Mandatory Report Reminder

New licenses will not be issued to hunters who have neglected to file their mandatory harvest reports; those who have filed in a timely fashion will be included in the drawing next spring for 10 "Supertags." A recent survey showed that 2,801 antelope tags were sold and 1,552 hunters have reported; 131,091 deer tags were sold and 32,454 reports have been received; 93,394 elk tags sold and 56,058 reports received. Elk, deer and antelope hunters are required to file their reports within 10 days of taking an animal or within 10 days of the end of the season for which their tag is valid. Any new license already sold before the deadline will be invalidated if no report is filed. Reports can be mailed to Hunter Harvest Reports, P.O. Box 70007, Boise, ID 83707-0107 or filed online at They may also be faxed to 775-423-0799 or called in at 1-877-268-9365. Hunters must report whether they took an animal or not. Hunters who file on time are eligible for the "Supertag" drawing in which 10 are awarded. Winners can buy a deer, elk or antelope tag good for any open season for the selected species in the following season. The tag is valid until the hunter takes an animal or until the last season for that species closes. Weapons restrictions still apply and hunters must select a species by May 1. By closely scrutinizing the big game harvest and analyzing such things as the total harvest, the ratio of male/female and the age structure of animals that hunters check in, biologist are able to estimate how the populations are responding. Adjustments in season structure and length can be made depending on the estimated trends and desired levels. Hunters who fail to report are not only in violation of Idaho law, they also jeopardize the abilities of wildlife managers to monitor local game populations. The goal of local managers is to provide as much hunting opportunity as possible. Good information is critical to achieving that goal.