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Idaho Fish and Game

Long-Time Hunter Education Instructors Recognized

On Saturday, May 3, 22 Clearwater Region volunteer hunter education instructors were honored by Idaho Fish and Game for 20 years or more of participation. Each year the Fish and Game honors area volunteer instructors who have donated their time and efforts to the hunter education program, said James Reed, Clearwater Region's hunter education coordinator. At an appreciation banquet at Hells Gate State Park instructors with more than 20 years of service received an award and plaque, and will be included on a "Wall of Fame" display in Fish and Game's Lewiston office. Mike Hallisey of Deary was awarded Instructor-of-the-Year in the Clearwater Region for his exceptional, long term commitment to the program. Hallisey has taught and helped other instructors with courses each year since 1979. "Volunteer instructors are the heart and soul of the hunter education program in Idaho," says Reed. "The service of these dedicated men and women has made a significant difference in ensuring that hunting in Idaho is safe, and hunters are ethical and responsible. No one knows how many injuries were prevented and lives saved because of their efforts." Hunter education is a mandatory program that requires all hunters born on or after January 1, 1975 to be certified to hunt in Idaho. To date, more than 21,000 new hunters have been certified by volunteer instructors in the Clearwater Region, Reed said.