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Idaho Fish and Game

Litter Distracts From The Outdoor Experience

LEWISTON - With the arrival of spring fishing and hunting seasons, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game encourages all outdoor users to be responsible and remember that trash they leave behind is sure to lessen the outdoor experience of others. "It's disheartening to see a trail of garbage at every fishing hole," said Carolyn Whitney, an IDFG fisheries employee who conducts angler surveys along area rivers. "It seems that if I pick up a trash bag full one week, the next, I'll pick up two," she said. Leaving trash is not unique to fishing areas, but one that plagues all areas, alongside roadways, hiking trails, campgrounds, vehicle pullout areas - basically anywhere people go outdoors. With litter being one of the most common reasons landowners refuse access to some of Idaho's premier hunting and fishing areas, IDFG provides the following tips, that if followed, will keep the outdoors clean and may help in gaining access.
  • Be responsible for your litter. Take enough garbage bags to pack our all trash that will result from your trip.
  • Encourage, through your example, other outdoor users to act responsibly. Pack out all trash left by others. Remember to leave the area better than you found it.
  • When visiting an area with refuse containers, make sure the container's lid is closed tight after depositing trash.
  • Report vandalism and people who litter by calling any local law enforcement agency. Be sure to write down a physical description of the violator and their vehicle.