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Idaho Fish and Game

Lingering Winter In Upper Snake Means No Early Opener For Egin-Hamer Area Closure

IDAHO FALLS - Recent mild winters and springs have meant that the parties involved in managing the Egin-Hamer Area Closure have been able to open portions of the closure early in some years. This spring, the lingering winter conditions and the presence of big game means that the closure will remain intact for the remainder of this year's scheduled closure. While the portion of the closure south of the Egin-Hamer Road opened on schedule on April 1, the northern segment will remain closed until the scheduled opening date of May 1, 2006. According to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Law Enforcement Ranger Jeff Long, "We have had excellent cooperation between the state and county enforcement people in helping enforce the closure." While most residents of the Upper Valley are aware of the nearly decade old seasonal closure, a few people have been tempted by the lure of collecting shed antlers. Combined law enforcement personnel patrolling the closure have made numerous contacts and issued a number of citations, as well as some warnings. According to Long, "Local judges have been very supportive and levied some substantial fines to violators." Biologists have been keeping a close eye on movement of big game in the closure area and failure of this winters snows to retreat means that the animals still require the benefits the closure offers. Many local families also look forward to end of the closure because of the promise of family fun that hunting through the sage brush provides. Keeping premature horn hunters out of the closure not only protects wildlife, but insures a fair start for legal antler collectors at 12:01 AM on May 1. Plans are underway to move the opening time to 7:00 AM on May 1st for next year to help make the opening even more family friendly. The closure agreement allows for access by private landowners with business concerns requiring entry into the closure area. Exact descriptions of the closure area are available at the Idaho Falls BLM & IDFG Offices. Maps and specific information regarding the closure may be obtained by contacting the local BLM Office in Idaho Falls at 208-524-7445 or the IDFG Office at 208-525-7290.