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Idaho Fish and Game

Leftover Deer and Elk Controlled Hunt Permits On Sale July 15

LEWISTON - - Leftover controlled hunt permits for deer and elk go on sale Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at all Fish and Game offices and license vendors statewide on a first-come, first served basis. The sale starts at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The tags will not be available on the Internet or by telephone. There are no leftover tags available for antelope. Of the 11 controlled hunts for deer with leftover permits available, the following six deer hunts are located in the Clearwater region:

        Hunt       Number

Unit    Number     Leftover     Legal

13      1005           6        Antlered, Mule Deer Only

8X      1047         107	Antlerless, White-tail Only

8AX     1048         163        Antlerless, White-tail Only

10AX    1049          83        Antlerless, White-tail Only

11AX-2  1051         222        Antlerless

15X     1052          73        Antlerless, White-tail Only

Of the 19 controlled hunts for elk with leftover permits available, the following two elk hunts are located in the Clearwater region:

        Hunt      Number

Unit    Number    Leftover      Legal

13      2050         4          Antlerless

19A     2053       119          Antlerless

A valid Idaho hunting license must be presented in order to purchase a leftover permit, and applicants must submit the appropriate application fees, permit fees and tag fees. Nonresidents may also purchase the permits and will not be restricted to the 10 percent quota that applies during the regular permit drawing. To avoid long delays, hunters are encouraged to obtain a hunting license prior to the permit sale. The statewide leftover permit totals are as follows: DEER


Hunt No      Leftover         Legal

1005             6            ANTLERED

1047           107            ANTLERLESS

1048           163            ANTLERLESS

1049            83            ANTLERLESS

1051           222            ANTLERLESS

1052            73            ANTLERLESS

1054            55            ANTLERLESS

1063           178            ANTLERLESS

1066             2            ANTLERLESS

1067             9            ANTLERLESS

1084           158            ANTLERLESS



Hunt No      Leftover         Legal

2050             4            ANTLERLESS

2053           119            ANTLERLESS

2055           156            ANTLERLESS

2060            73            ANTLERLESS

2062             8            ANTLERLESS

2072            39            ANTLERLESS

2081            25            ANTLERLESS

2082            43            ANTLERLESS

2083            50            ANTLERLESS

2084            62            ANTLERLESS

2088           132            ANTLERLESS

2102            35            ANTLERLESS

2103           162            ANTLERLESS

2104           101            ANTLERLESS

2105            29            ANTLERLESS

2127           143            ANTLERLESS

2130            21            ANTLERLESS

2132            71            ANTLERLESS

2136             1            EITHER SEX