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Idaho Fish and Game

Lake Pend Oreille Fishery Workshop Planned

Anglers can get their questions answered and provide input on fishery recovery efforts in Lake Pend Oreille at the Lake Pend Oreille Fishery Workshop, Saturday, February 28, 9 AM to noon, Sandpoint High School auditorium (410 S. Division, Sandpoint). Those persons needing special accommodations to attend the meeting should call Ned Horner, 769-1414 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. In 2000, a collapsing kokanee population and increasing lake trout population prompted emergency rule changes. The kokanee fishery was closed for the first time in history and fishing regulations on rainbow and lake trout were liberalized. However, by early 2002, very little progress in fishery recovery had been made, so IDFG sought help from the public. A Citizens Advisory Committee was formed and they made several recommendations to IDFG: establish a commercial fishery on lake trout; change the fishing regulations on the Clark Fork River; pursue the 4(d) rule of the Endangered Species Act to allow harvest of bull trout; and get more involved in lake level management. The workshop will include a slide presentation covering such topics as the status of the kokanee population in Lake Pend Oreille and the criteria for when a kokanee fishery can be reopened, the number of lake trout that have been harvested by commercial rod-and-reel fishermen, and what is happening with the deep-water trap nets. Discussion will cover winter lake level management and questions about bull trout harvest options. There will be an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and provide comments. Here's your chance to find out how fishery recovery efforts are progressing and provide feedback to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. The IDFG encourages anyone with an interest in Lake Pend Oreille to join the effort by attending the workshop and sharing thoughts.