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Idaho Fish and Game

Idfg Seeks Input On 2007-2011 Fisheries Management Plan

Idaho Falls - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) is seeking input on the direction the angling public wants to take in managing their fisheries for the next six years. Are anglers generally happy with the job IDFG has done? What is IDFG doing that anglers enjoy and support continuing? If not, what do they want IDFG to do differently? IDFG will be hosting an open house to receive and discuss these topics from 8am to 7pm at the Upper Snake Region Office, 4279 Commerce Circle, Idaho Falls, Idaho on Tuesday May 23rd. Interested parties are invited to come by at their convenience to discuss relevant topics with fisheries staff. Some key statewide issues are native fish management, family fishing waters, access and access facilities. Issues specific to the Upper Snake Region that will be addressed in the new plan are Island Park Reservoir management, tournaments on trout streams, Yellowstone cutthroat trout restoration, and the possible introduction of sturgeon to the Snake River by Idaho Falls. According to Jim Fredericks, Regional Fishery Manager, "This document isn't so much about specific rules and regulations as it is about the direction the fisheries program is for the next six years". Fredericks suggests interested anglers can look at a copy of the current 2001-2006 plan, available for review on the Department's website (, to get a good understanding of current management direction and the scope of the document. In addition to collecting input from interested individuals and organizations, an Angler Opinion Survey (AOS) will be sent to about 12,000 randomly selected anglers statewide as another means to gather feedback on their preferences. For those anglers who aren't lucky enough to get a mail survey via random selection, they will have the opportunity to complete the AOS (non-random, non-scientific) on the IDFG website where it will be posted at the same time the mail survey is released. Anyone interested in discussing specific issues but unable to visit the office on May 23rd is invited to contact Jim Fredericks by telephone at 525-7290 or via e-mail at