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Idaho Fish and Game

Idfg To Host Big Game Recommendation Meetings In Mid-February

IDAHO FALLS - Just as Valentines Day is that time of year when we bare our souls and let someone special know how we feel, biologists from IDFG are sincerely seeking input from the public about big game regulations for the upcoming year. Instead of exchanging cards saying "I Love You", biologists will be meeting with sportsmen to share their most earnest data in hopes of engaging the public in an open dialogue about the recommendations being proposed to the Idaho Fish & Game Commission at their meeting in mid-March. These upcoming meetings mark the end of the process to set the 2005 seasons for deer, elk, antelope, bears and mountain lions. In order to make biologically sound recommendations, IDFG staff have been performing a myriad of wildlife manage tasks. Staff have been flying sightability and herd composition helicopter flights for deer and elk in such diverse areas within the region as Tex Creek, Teton Canyon and Reno Point. Information such as buck:doe and fawn:doe ratios and population estimates will be presented to the public. According to Regional Wildlife Manager Daryl Meints, "This winter we collared 25 fawns at Heise and 20 fawns and 12 does up Birch Creek to monitor survival and migration routes. We are going to have maps to show hunters where animals migrate back and fourth. I think some folks might be pretty surprised to see how these animals move around," When it comes to setting seasons for elk hunts, biologists will also share information about what went on at Tex Creek this fall and what changes are planned for the future. "Our people are flying right now to get an accurate count on the number of elk still out there!" said Meints. After presenting the available data and their regulation recommendation, Biologists will take notes on what the public has to say. All this information will be used to craft recommendations for the Commission to consider later in Boise. According to Meints, "We'll also be presenting an update about the work currently underway as part of the Mule Deer Initiative (MDI)" MEETING SCHEDULE - All meetings start at 7:00 PM Tues., Feb. 15 Mackay Mackay Junior/Senior High Schoo Wed. Feb. 16 Idaho Falls IDFG Regional Office Thurs., Feb. 17 Rexburg Madison Middle School Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting Daryl Meints at the Idaho Department of Fish & Game at 525-7290 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-3529(TDD). Individuals not able to attend, but wishing to comment may do so via E-mail at or by regular mail to IDFG /4279 Commerce Circle in Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401. The deadline for all comments is 5:00 P.M. on Friday, March 4, 2005.