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Idaho Fish and Game

Idahoans Contribute to Fish and Game

Idaho citizens helped their Fish and Game department to the tune of almost $800,000 last year through the volunteer and reservist program. A statewide value of $772,604 in donated labor, materials and equipment came from 3,227 volunteers and 146 reservists. Volunteers and reservists gave 49,099 of their hours and nearly $100,000 in materials and equipment use. These citizens helped Fish and Game with several hundred individual tasks from staffing check stations to counting spawning steelhead to making backcountry patrols to welding. Many have specialized skills such as computer programming and using communications equipment but much of the help came in the form of pure hard work on projects including shrub planting, noxious weed removal on department lands and picking up trash. Contributions of equipment and materials ranged from ATVs and boats to lumber and bridge materials.