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Idaho Fish and Game

Idahoans Asked for Fishing Information

What is the economic value of fishing in Idaho? Or even on your favorite lake or stream? IDFG has begun a large survey of people who fish to find out. The survey will be done on a quarterly basis. Survey recipients were selected at random from last year's fishing license holders. Surveys to cover the first three months of the year began arriving in homes last week. The Fish and Game Fisheries Bureau needs to have the surveys returned as soon as possible so the information will be accurate and can be tracked in a timely fashion. Reminders encouraging anglers to fill out the survey will be sent to those anglers who haven't returned their survey to the Department. About 12,000 survey forms have been sent with 1,500 going to eight regions in the state. This part of the survey will cover fishing activity in the first quarter of the current year. Similar-sized mailings will be made to sample each quarter of the year. Besides critical economic information, the survey will provide the department with information on harvest rates for specific waters, species of fish caught, and hours spent fishing. This information will give fisheries managers details they need for better management of fish resources, including stocking programs and fishing regulations. "We need to hear from Idaho's anglers. Their responses to this survey are important to Fish and Game and to effective management of the resource, " resident fisheries manager Chip Corsi said. All responses will be held confidential, he added. As an incentive for survey recipients to return their surveys, those who respond promptly will be eligible for a drawing for one of five $100 gift certificates for fishing tackle. In addition, at the end of the year, all who responded will be eligible for a drawing for a $500 gift certificate.