- Boise River from its mouth upstream to Barber Dam.
- Salmon River from its mouth upstream to the posted boundary 100 yards downstream from the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery weir, near the town of Stanley.
- Little Salmon River from its mouth upstream to the U.S. Highway 95 bridge near Smokey Boulder Road.
- Snake River from the Washington state line at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers upstream to Hells Canyon Dam.
- Clearwater River mainstem and Middle Fork from its mouth upstream to Clear Creek.
- North Fork Clearwater River from its mouth upstream to Dworshak Dam.
- South Fork Clearwater River from its mouth upstream to the confluence of American and Red Rivers.
- The fish must be recorded on the angler's salmon or steelhead permit.
- The processed fish must have the skin attached, including the portion with a healed, clipped adipose fin scar.
- It must be packaged in a way that the number of harvested fish can be determined.
- The fish must be processed ashore when the angler is done fishing for the day.
- No processed salmon or steelhead may be transported by boat.
- No jack salmon may be processed in the field.
- Processed salmon or steelhead count toward an angler's possession limit while in the field or in transit.