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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Resident Wins Bighorn Sheep Lottery

The Idaho Fish and Game Department drew the name of Eagle, Idaho resident Ed Rochnowski for this year's Bighorn Sheep lottery tag. The tag is drawn in a cooperative effort between the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Idaho Chapter of the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS). Chuck Middleton, President of the Idaho Chapter of FNAWS said he was thrilled to see an Idahoan get the tag. "People from many states and other countries applied, and it's really special to have an Idahoan win," he said "I know Ed, and it's even more special to know that someone who supports species conservation will get this opportunity." Rochnowski will be able to use the tag to hunt any open hunt for bighorn sheep in Idaho except in unit 11. He was among hundreds of hunters who helped raise more than 68 thousand dollars with the purchase of lottery tickets for this drawing. That brings the total raised since the first drawing to more than half a million dollars. According to Ray Lee, President and CEO of the national FNAWS organization, the money raised from the lottery is used for projects to keep sheep and other Idaho species healthy. "The Idaho Bighorn Sheep Lottery Tag is an excellent example of bighorn sheep hunters using their money to support wildlife conservation for everyone," Lee said "The money raised from this tag goes to Idaho's Wildlife Health Lab, to support their efforts to maintain healthy wildlife populations, not only populations of bighorn sheep, but all other wildlife-- and domestic livestock as well." Earlier this year a bighorn sheep tag was auctioned off for a record 180 thousand dollars. The opportunity to participate in Idaho's coveted Unit 11 hunt helped make that tag the second biggest fundraiser for FNAWS this year. The money helps a multitude of species in Idaho, but is crucial to the prosperity of wild sheep in the Gem State. It's vital," Middleton said "You can't finance the work we're doing with sheep in Idaho just through the sale of tags."