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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Ram Brings $55,000

A Salem, Oregon hunter has ponied up $55,000 for the 2006 bighorn sheep auction tag. The auction tag sold for a record $180,000 last year when the tag allowed hunting in Unit 11 in Hells Canyon. The $55,000 figure is better than many other years when the tag holder has been limited to any unit in Idaho but Unit 11. In 2004, the Idaho tag brought $46,000. Idaho's auction tag is sold along with others from western states and provinces at the annual Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS) convention in Reno. Two Idaho tags are approved each year by the Fish and Game Commission to raise money for bighorn programs. The highly-valued Unit 11 hunt is rotated each year between the auction tag sold at the national convention and the lottery tag sold by the Idaho chapter of FNAWS. The auction tag is sold at the FNAWS convention to raise funds for sheep restoration, mainly in the Hells Canyon Initiative. The tag sold by the Idaho chapter of FNAWS through a lottery system brings in money for bighorn health research at the Caldwell wildlife lab. Bighorn program manager Dale Toweill said this "is a clear example of hunting supporting bighorn sheep conservation and restoration. This benefits all Idahoans, whether they hunt or not. "These license dollars will support habitat restoration, noxious weed control, research, and transplant that will help ensure that Idaho's bighorn sheep prosper now and in the future. "Idaho's bighorn sheep program receives no tax dollars. This auction allows Fish and Game to focus squarely on bighorn sheep." FNAWS efforts in Idaho are focused on Hells Canyon in an initiative with Oregon and Washington to restore bighorns to the largest area of wild sheep habitat remaining in the lower 48 states.