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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Fishing License Needed In Clearwater River

LEWISTON - Some steelhead anglers have fallen prey to a persistent rumor that it is legal to fish in the Clearwater River on a Washington license. Not so, says Idaho Department of Fish and Game. "There is a sign on the north shore of the Clearwater River at the confluence with the Snake River that clearly marks the Clearwater-Snake confluence," says Larry Barrett, fisheries biologist with IDFG. "If you intend to fish upstream of the sign, you are in the Clearwater River and must have an Idaho fishing license and steelhead permit." Another sign, located downstream along the north shore marks the Idaho-Washington boundary. Anglers licensed in either Washington or Idaho may fish in the Snake River between the two signs through a reciprocal agreement between the two states. The fall steelhead season on the lower Clearwater River began September 1 from the confluence upstream to the Memorial Bridge in Lewiston. Harvest of steelhead is not allowed above the Memorial Bridge until October 15.